Dance of Soma & Psyche I: Foundations of Working with the Body
This two-day module will introduce you to working safely with the body in your psychotherapy practice and offer foundations in somatic approaches to working with clients.
It is relevant for psychotherapists who are new to working with the body and keen to gain skills in this approach, as well as for practitioners who are familiar with some of these methods, and wish to gain more tools and confidence in working with the body.
Through learning experientially, you will explore your own mind-body relationship, the 'dance of soma and psyche', which will give you the confidence to work with your clients in a more embodied way.
The course covers:
Grounding techniques, stabilisation and self regulation
Helping clients safely come into sensations and finding a 'safe place' in the body
Learning tools for transforming difficult sensations and emotions that clients hold in their bodies, including working with anxiety and physical pain
Working with the client’s personal boundaries, and the integrity of the body
Working with the ‘problem’ and ‘solution’ through the body
Using movement to strengthen the mind-body connection
Working with touch to regulate overwhelming feelings and hyperarousal
Using creative imagination with clients who have difficulty connecting with their bodies
This module may be taken individually, or as a part of a year-long course leading to certification.
(14 CPD hours). If you are interested in the Certificate programme, you can attend module 1 first before having an interview the whole programme - however please be aware that our certificate programme is popular and tends to book up quickly so we cannot guarantee that there will be a place for you if you wait to book onto the Certificate after attending module 1.
"What you are offering in your workshops is such a rich tapestry of experiences. I found all four workshops to be a rich, soulful and enlightening experience… Blessings to you both, and [for] the ripple effect on all that are touched and moved by your work. I highly recommend the workshops to other therapists."
KB, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist
"Thank you very much for such a lovely and insightful training session. This was a brand new experience for me because I never had any therapeutic sessions which really engaged my body. I think I got to know how to start working with both bodies (therapist’s and client’s) in the sessions. Actually I found my body was more engaged in the coming counselling practice, and my clients benefited from it."
QZ - Counsellor
Module 1 London: FULLY BOOKED (waiting list)
6th - 7th July 2024
11am to 6pm
Chiswick Community Centre
2 Duke's Ave
London W4 2AE (map)
14th & 15th September 2024
11am to 5pm
Module 1 Stroud:
12-13 July 2025
11am to 6pm
Trinity Rooms
Field Road,
Stroud GL5 2HZ (map)
Dates: Summer 2025 TBC
11am to 5pm
​​This training is highly experiential and interactive and is the same format as our in-person training.
We use creative methods so you will need simple art materials (such as crayons or coloured pencils, journal & drawing paper). We will also be working with movement and music alongside other somatic approaches. Just as in our in-person trainings there will be an opportunity to work in pairs as well as being part of larger group discussions. The online session will be well paced with several breaks throughout the day.
(Please note that we only offer Module 1 online - all our other modules are in-person. Please also note that this is not a webinar and that live participation is expected for the whole duration of the weekend workshop))
"The weekend reminded me once again that working with the body is such a powerful tool for healing. The group being online worked very well and perhaps is a more gentle, less exposing way for therapists who are curious about this approach to dip their toe in the water. I gained so much on a personal and professional level. Katarina and Tasha have such a beautiful energy, compliment one another in their styles and hold the group really safely."
SF - integrative psychotherapist
In-person training: Early Bird £255 (6 weeks before the start of the course), otherwise £285
Online Training: Early Bird £235 (6 weeks before the start of the course) otherwise £265
To book please click the button below and fill out the form. The payment details are on the form.